Space Maintenance

Space Maintenance in Draper

Space maintainers are dental appliances designed to keep space open in a child's mouth after a primary (baby) tooth is lost prematurely due to decay or injury. By holding the space where the lost tooth was, these devices prevent neighboring teeth from shifting into the gap, ensuring that there is enough room for the permanent tooth to come in correctly.

What are Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are custom-made dental devices that can be either fixed or removable. They are tailored to fit a child's specific needs and are used to maintain the proper spacing and alignment of teeth after a premature tooth loss.

Benefits of Space Maintainers

Prevents Shifting of Teeth
When a primary tooth is lost too early, neighboring teeth may shift into the empty space. Space maintainers hold the space open, preventing this shift and ensuring there is enough room for the permanent tooth to emerge correctly.

Supports Proper Dental Development
By maintaining the proper alignment of the remaining teeth, space maintainers help support overall dental development. This can prevent more severe orthodontic issues later on, such as crowding or misalignment.

Promotes a Healthy Smile
Using space maintainers helps maintain a healthy and well-aligned smile as the child grows. Proper spacing ensures that permanent teeth come in straight and correctly positioned.

Types of Space Maintainers

Fixed Space Maintainers
Fixed space maintainers are cemented into place and remain in the mouth until the permanent tooth begins to come in. There are several types of fixed space maintainers:

  • Band and Loop Maintainers: A metal band is attached to an adjacent tooth, with a loop extending into the gap to hold the space.
  • Lingual Arch: Used for multiple missing teeth, a lingual arch is a wire that runs along the inside of the lower teeth to maintain space.
  • Distal Shoe Appliance: This is used for missing back teeth and guides the eruption of the first permanent molar.

Removable Space Maintainers
Removable space maintainers are similar to orthodontic retainers and can be taken out for cleaning. They are usually made of acrylic and are less common than fixed maintainers due to the need for patient compliance.

The Importance of Space Maintainers

Prevents Future Orthodontic Problems
By keeping teeth in their proper positions, space maintainers help prevent future orthodontic problems that could require more extensive treatments. This proactive approach can save time, discomfort, and expense down the line.

Maintains Oral Function
Maintaining the correct spacing in a child's mouth helps preserve normal function, including chewing and speaking. Proper spacing also supports the natural development of the jaw and facial structure.

Custom Fit for Each Child
Space maintainers are tailored to fit each child's unique dental structure. This customization ensures maximum effectiveness and comfort, contributing to the child’s overall dental health.

The Process of Getting a Space Maintainer

Consultation and Examination
During the initial visit, the dentist will examine the child's mouth, take X-rays, and assess the need for a space maintainer. A treatment plan will be created based on the findings.

Impression and Fabrication
If a space maintainer is needed, the dentist will take an impression of the child's mouth to create a custom-fitted appliance. The impression is sent to a dental lab where the space maintainer is fabricated.

Fitting and Placement
Once the space maintainer is ready, the dentist will fit it into the child's mouth. For fixed maintainers, this involves cementing the appliance into place. Removable maintainers will be adjusted for fit and comfort.

Follow-Up and Monitoring
Regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor the space maintainer and ensure it remains effective. The dentist will check for any issues and make adjustments as needed.

Reach Out Today

If you’re looking for space maintainers in Draper, Adventure Dental is here to assist you. Contact us at 801-495-1610 to schedule an appointment and learn more about how space maintainers can benefit your child's dental health.